Special Whatsapp Groups Designed By Classic Technology For Your Placement Help Do Join And Utilize The Group Info
Read This Rules & Protocols Before Joining The Group
- Respect the purpose and objective of each group.
- Strictly Sharing Any Type Of links Will Lead To Ban You From The Group
- Don’t use groups just to send memes, videos, pictures and news, without reading and reacting to the content shared by others.
- If you feel uncomfortable in a group for any reason, feel free to leave or “mute” the notifications. It’s better to be criticized for leaving than for always complaining.
- Before sending a complaint to a group, identify the “administrator” and share your thoughts with him/her.
- Don’t get angry if someone doesn’t respond to your messages in a group.
- When replying to a specific comment from a person, use the “reply” function to make sense of your comment and avoid confusion.
- Keep in mind that your words can be interpreted in multiple ways,
- Don’t Join Unneccessarly